What are the best 5 healthiest milk alternatives?

Are you looking for an alternative to regular milk but you’re still concerned about maintaining that same nutritional value? Sacrificing dairy doesn’t have to mean sacrificing the nutrients, there are many healthy milk alternatives.

5 best alternatives to cow’s milk:

  • Almond milk
  • Oat milk
  • Soy milk
  • Coconut milk
  • Camel milk

Why is Almond milk a healthy milk alternative?

  • Rich in good fats
  • High in vitamin E
  • Lactose free
  • Low in calories
  • Contains 45% calcium

Almond milk is a well-known alternative for those who cannot drink regular milk. As almond milk is nut based, there is naturally no lactose making it a worry free alternative for those who are dairy and lactose intolerant. Although this milk is high in calcium, one of the nutritional factors to consider is its low levels of protein, for every cup of almond milk, it only contains 1g of protein. Regular milk contains 8g.

Why is Oat milk a healthy milk alternative?

  • Lactose free
  • 35% calcium per glass
  • Contains beta-glucans
  • Fortified – added vitamins

Oat milk is a healthy alternative to regular dairy milk for those who are lactose intolerant or choose to not consume animal based products. Oat milk is generally fortified with vitamins, this means that the nutrients found in oat milks may be healthy but are they processed and added in. This is a factor to consider when looking for an alternative milk, there are nutrients in oat milk but it is not the most natural source.

Why is Soy milk a healthy milk alternative?

  • Low in calories
  • High in protein
  • Contains 40% calcium
  • Lactose free

Soy milk is commonly chosen as a healthy alternative to regular milk due its high percentages of calcium and protein. A factor to be wary of when consuming soy milk is its high levels of isoflavones, these are compounds similar to estrogen that have been said to impact thyroid function and cause other issues.


Why is Coconut milk a healthy milk alternative?

  • Lactose free
  • 45% calcium per cup
  • High in potassium

Coconut milk is a great alternative to regular dairy as it has a high percentage of calcium but contains no lactose. In saying this, unless it is fortified, coconut milk does not have much of a nutritional value on its own and contains 0g of protein.

Why is camel milk one of the healthiest milk alternatives?

    • Naturally low in fat
    • Least amount of preservatives
    • Contains 282g of Calcium per cup
    • Contains Lactoferrin – for gut health
    • Contains protective proteins – aids in immune boosting
    • High in protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C

Camel milk is naturally low in fat:

Camel milk is naturally the low-fat alternative. There is no fat taken out, it’s completely naturally this way. Any of the milks with a low fat or skim status have been heavily processed to remove the bulk of the fat solids. Camel milk is all natural with minimal interference giving you the most natural milk possible.


Camel milk is great for Gut health – contains Lactoferrin:

Camel milk is rich in Lactoferrin, this is great for gut health. Lactoferrin is normally extracted out of regular dairy to go into infant formulas, pro-biotics and so on. So for those of you with a sensitive stomach, camel milk is a completely natural and pure source of lactoferrin.


Camel milk aids in strengthening the immune system – contains protective proteins:

Camel milk encourages a strong immune system as it contains a series of protective proteins such as lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulin G, and immunoglobulin A.  As appose to regular milk and other milk alternatives, Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds are also found to be naturally higher in camel milk. This equips the body with an extra source of protective nutrients.

Camel milk is high in protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C:

Camel milk has a very diverse nutritional value. In comparison to other milk alternatives, Camel milk is higher naturally in Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Vitamin C. and Iron. It contains a high level of protein but is low in fat. This makes it a great alternative for those who are looking for a more natural but fairy free equivalent to low fat milk.

Camel milks pasteurisation method protects nutrients:

The pasteurising / heating of milk at The Camel Milk Co Australia is low heated which doesn’t destroy the quality of the milk etc. As opposed to how major other factories quickly heat at higher temperatures. Heat is the enemy of naturally occurring enzymatic and whole nutritional benefits found in any food but particularly camels milk. Other methods of pasteurisation heat the milk to a point where it is effectively sterilised, losing the majority of goodness from the milk.


If you’re looking for a healthy alternative to regular milk and are concerned about getting the correct nutrients into your diet, think camel milk.

Bursting with nutrients and a mass of benefits, it’s the obvious alternative!